QUESTION: Is Your Advertising Really Working?
ANSWER: Is Your Market Share Growing?
My dad always said, “Don’t answer a question with a question,” but in this case, there’s a pretty good measuring stick when it comes to advertising effectiveness. Are you increasing your market share? Assuming that your people, location, inventory, etc. aren’t changing, the best way to measure your marketing effectiveness is to measure your share of the pie versus your competitors’. Surely, customer traffic counts can be considered a measuring stick as well, but few owners are great at logging customer traffic.
So it’s all about MARKET SHARE and, therefore, it’s about COMPETITION. Being #1. There’s just something really sweet about being #1.
Does your company have the capacity to be the #1 store in town? Maybe…maybe not… You can grow your market share, though, and advertising budgets should be based on realistic expectations of how much market share you can gobble up from your competitors.
That’s where we enter. At Incite Media, we’re focused on marketing that grows your market share. There’s only one way to do it. You have to take it from someone. Which segments are most-profitable and which are you most likely to increase quickly? Who is your most vulnerable competitor? Incite Media will help you with a strategy to INCREASE YOUR market share. Then, you’ll add big profits to YOUR BOTTOM LINE.
Here’s an interesting question: Which companies are the most profitable today? Answer: The ones with the most market share. Correct? The way we see it, your share of the pie is either growing or shrinking. Please call us today and let Incite Media show you how we can help you grow your market share and build a recession-proof business.

Stuart Houser
President, Incite Media
15+ Years of Partnerships
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